[OANNES Foro] Fisheries Aspects of ACP-EU Interim Economic Partnership Agreements: Trade and Sustainable Development Implications

Milthon Lujan milthon.lujan en gmail.com
Mie Dic 3 08:22:45 PST 2008

Estimados Amigos

Adjunto informe cientifico que sera de interes para los que estan en el
sector de pesquero.


Fisheries Aspects of ACP-EU Interim Economic Partnership Agreements: Trade
and Sustainable Development Implications

Fisheries are an important source of emplyment, export revenues and food
security in many African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. As a
growing sector in international trade, the fisheries sector is one of the
few areas where the ACP countries have seen their participation in world
trade increase. The European Union (EU) accounts for around 75 percent of
ACP fishery exports by value, making the European market critically
important for ACP exports of fish and fish products.


Blgo. Acui. Milthon B. Lujan Monja
Urb. Santa Cristina C4-16, Nuevo Chimbote
Chimbote - Peru
Skype: milthon.lujan
mlujan en aqcen.com
milthon.lujan en gmail.com, milthon_lujan en hotmail.com
Telefono: 51 043 318066 Movil: 51 043 943912190
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