[OANNES Foro] hello---live B

washington espinoza bolas wespinozab1 en hotmail.com
Lun Mayo 25 16:30:29 PDT 2009

how are you doing recently? 
I would like to introduce you a very good company and its website is www.moto-Sellers.com It can offer you all kinds of electronic products that you may be in need,such as laptops ,gps ,TV LCD,cell  phones,ps3,MP3/4,motorcycles and etc........ 
You can take some time to have a check ,there must be something interesting you 'd like to  purchase .
The contact email: moto_sellers en 188.com .MSN: moto_sellers en 188.com
TEL:  0086+13521593889 
Hope you can enjoy yourself in shopping from that company ! 

Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger 
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