[OANNES Foro] Fwd: [PHYCOTOXINS:] Campus do Mar: On-line Conference: Prof Yasumoto, 27 April, 12:00: An overview of emerging marine biotoxins

Milthon Lujan milthon.lujan en gmail.com
Mar Abr 26 20:51:55 PDT 2011

Estimados Amigos

Adjunto esta importante conferencia que será transmitida via internet. Es a
las 12 pm de España, me parece que serán a las 6:00 am de Perú, Ecuador y


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Monica Lion <monica.lion en vi.ieo.es>
Date: Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 6:25 AM
Subject: [PHYCOTOXINS:] Campus do Mar: On-line Conference: Prof Yasumoto, 27
April, 12:00: An overview of emerging marine biotoxins
To: PHYCOTOXINS en www.agr.gc.ca

Tomorrow, Wednesday 27th April, at 12:00, the cycle of conferences at the
Campus do Mar, has programmed a talk by Professor Takeshi Yasumoto, entitled
"An overview of emerging marine biotoxins".

The conference will take place in Room 1 of Miralles Building on the Campus
do Mar, University of Vigo.

If you are interested in following the conference but are unable to attend,
you can follow it at Campus do Mar web TV <http://tv.campusdomar.es/>  (
http://tv.campusdomar.es/) and interact with the speaker.

I hope you find this information interesting.

Best regards,

       Monica Lion

Monica Lion

COI-IEO Centro Científico y de Comunicación sobre Algas Nocivas
IOC-IEO Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae

Centro Oceanografico de Vigo
IEO (Instituto Español de Oceanografia)
Apdo. 1552
36200 Vigo, Pontevedra

Phone: + 34 986 492111
Fax: + 34 986 492003
e-mail: vigohab en vi.ieo.es

Visit the IOC HAB Website at http://ioc-unesco.org/hab

!!! Replies go to the sender !!!
The address of this list is Phycotoxins en www.agr.gc.ca
Should you require any assistance, contact Don Richard at
Don.Richard en dfo-mpo.gc.ca or John White at John.White en inspection.gc.ca
To leave, send "signoff Phycotoxins" to listserv en www.agr.gc.ca
Archives are located at http://www.agr.gc.ca/archives/phycotoxins.html

Blgo. Acui. Milthon B. Lujan Monja
Urb. Santa Cristina C4-16, Nuevo Chimbote
Chimbote - Peru
Skype: milthon.lujan
mlujan en aqcen.com
milthon.lujan en gmail.com, milthon_lujan en hotmail.com
Telefono: 51 043 318066
Movil: 51 043 943912190
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