[OANNES Foro] Secuencia genomica de "super" Bacteria E. Coli

Jose Andres Antinori Vera alantinori en hotmail.com
Vie Jun 3 06:41:52 PDT 2011


Identifican genoma de nueva cepa de ‘Escherichia coli’

Cient�ficos determinaron que es una bacteria nunca vista. Rusia y Emiratos �rabes se sumaron a la prohibici�n de pepinos espa�oles

Viernes 3 de Junio del 2011

LONDRES, BERL�N. La mortal bacteria de ‘Escherichia coli’, causante de una epidemia que ha dejado 18 muertos y cientos de enfermos en varios pa�ses europeos, es una nueva cepa nunca antes vista, informaron ayer m�dicos alemanes y chinos y la Organizaci�n Mundial de la Salud (OMS).
El grupo de cient�ficos alemanes y chinos que consigui� identificar el genoma de la agresiva bacteria ‘E. coli’, determin� que el brote infeccioso tiene su origen en una variedad hasta ahora desconocida de la bacteria, informaron portavoces de la Cl�nica Universitaria Eppendorf de Hamburgo.
El agente que supuestamente origin� la infecci�n “es solo un pariente lejano de la bacteria ECEH cl�sica��, explic� Holger Rohde, uno de los investigadores alemanes. “Se trata de una combinaci�n de genes in�dita��.
No en vano, los cient�ficos encontraron en el genoma analizado dos tipos de agentes, los “cl�sicos�� y otros de naturaleza desconocida. La combinaci�n de ambos da origen a una bacteria muy agresiva, que permanece m�s tiempo de lo normal en el intestino y que, por lo tanto, genera mayores da�os hasta causar la muerte.
La OMS indic� que los estudios preliminares de gen�tica sugirieron que la cepa es una forma mutante de otras dos bacterias diferentes de ‘E. coli’ que tienen genes letales, lo que explica por qu� la epidemia ocurrida en Europa parece ser tan generalizada y peligrosa.
Hilde Kruse, una experta en alimentos de la OMS, dijo: “Se trata de una cepa �nica que jam�s ha sido aislada de los pacientes�� y agreg� que la nueva forma de la bacteria tiene “varias caracter�sticas que la hacen m�s virulenta y productora de toxinas��.
Agreg� que era dif�cil de explicar de d�nde viene la nueva cepa, pero dijo que las cepas de bacterias provenientes tanto de humanos como de animales f�cilmente cambian de genes, similar a lo que ocurre con los virus de animales como el �bola y que a veces llegan a los humanos.
Pese a los esfuerzos de las autoridades sanitarias europeas y de la OMS por identificar y aislar a la bacteria, as� como la rectificaci�n de las autoridades sanitarias alemanas de que el brote no tuvo su origen en Espa�a, el impacto de la epidemia sigue teniendo consecuencias econ�micas.
Los Emiratos �rabes Unidos emitieron ayer una prohibici�n temporal de importaci�n de pepinos de Espa�a, Alemania, Dinamarca y los Pa�ses Bajos. La agencia de noticias WAM dijo que el ministro del Ambiente y de Aguas emiti� la orden basado en la informaci�n de agencias de seguridad internacionales y reportes noticiosos.
Rusia tambi�n ampli� ayer su prohibici�n para importar vegetales provenientes de toda la Uni�n Europea, a fin de evitar que la mort�fera bacteria ingrese al pa�s.
La restricci�n entr� en vigor de inmediato y no tiene plazo de expiraci�n, inform� Lyubov Voropayeva, un portavoz de la agencia rusa para la Supervisi�n de los Derechos del Consumidor.
Espa�a pedir� indemnizaci�n
MADRID [DPA]. El Gobierno espa�ol critic� ayer duramente la forma en que Alemania y la Uni�n Europea (UE) manejaron la crisis de los pepinos, al tiempo que anunci� que batallar� en Bruselas para que los agricultores del pa�s ib�rico sean compensados por las millonarias p�rdidas sufridas.
La ministra de Medio Ambiente, Medio rural y Marino, Rosa Aguilar, quien se reuni� ayer con los consejeros de Agricultura de las distintas comunidades aut�nomas, enfatiz� que su pa�s pelear� por esas indemnizaciones. “Este no lo ha generado Espa�a, se lo han generado a Espa�a y vamos a dar la batalla��, dijo . 

Letal bacteria ya estar�a en EE.UU.
WASHINGTON (AFP).– Autoridades sanitarias de los Estados Unidos sospechan que tres personas en el pa�s est�n infectadas con la bacteria Escherichia coli tras regresar de Alemania, donde el misterioso brote ya ha causado 18 muertes.

Los Centros para el Control y la Prevenci�n de Enfermedades estadounidenses esperaban muestras de materia fecal antes de confirmar los casos, dijo el portavoz Tom Skinner.

Mientras tanto, en Gran Breta�a, el Gobierno inform� de siete personas infectadas con la bacteria en el pa�s, incluyendo a tres brit�nicos que recientemente hab�an viajado a Alemania y a cuatro alemanes.

Inicialmente, el Gobierno alem�n culp� a Espa�a de propagar la bacteria a trav�s de sus pepinos, pero luego desminti� la informaci�n. Por ello, Madrid exige una indemnizaci�n.

Por su parte, Rusia reforz� sus controles fronterizos para que ninguna persona ingrese al pa�s con la bacteria. Adem�s, prohibi� la importaci�n de verduras de la Uni�n Europea.


José Andrés Antinori Vera 
       Philip Von Leonar - San Borja - Lima
         Los Portales de San Isidro - Trjillo
         Telef: 995075313  Next: 412*8814
   Web:../ - E-mail: alantinori en hotmail.com


> From: alantinori en hotmail.com
> To: oannes en lista.oannes.org.pe
> Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 08:31:41 -0500
> Subject: [OANNES Foro] Secuencia genomica de "super" Bacteria E. Coli
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> Saludos, a continuacion les alcanzo informacion sobre el secuenciamiento genomico de la bacteria que ha sido ligada a las muertes por ingesta de pepinillos (no solamente) y el descubrimiento de una nueva cepa.
> Otro dato importante es que el CCD, se encuentra analizando muestras de presuntos infectados, lo cual ya esta en America, sin embargo se sabe de la existencia de un enfermo en America del Sur (no confirmado), que esta tratandose de ubicar. Trascribo la informacion, asi como los links
> BGI sequences genome of the deadly E. Coli in Germany and reveals new super-toxic strain
> The recent outbreak of an E. coli infection in Germany has resulted in serious concerns about the potential appearance of a new deadly strain of bacteria. In response to this situation, and immediately after the reports of deaths, the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf and BGI-Shenzhen began working together to sequence the bacterium and assess its human health risk. BGI-Shenzhen has just completed the sequence and carried out a preliminary analysis that shows the current infection is caused by an entirely new super-toxic E. coli strain.
> According to the latest announcement from German health officials, the death toll in Europe from the epidemic has risen to at least 17. Over 1,000 new cases of infection have also been reported in other parts of Europe, including Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, the UK, and others. The University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf received the majority of the infected patients from northern Germany and found that antibiotic treatment was ineffective.
> BGI was informed of the dangerous situation and, in collaboration with the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf researchers, used their genomic technology to determine the infectious strain, reveal the mechanisms of infection, and facilitate the development of measures to control the spread of this epidemic.
> Upon receiving the bacterial DNA samples, BGI finished sequencing the genome of the bacterium within three days using their third-generation sequencing platform — Ion Torrent by Life Technologies. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that this E. coli is a new strain of bacteria that is highly infectious and toxic.
> According to the results of the current draft assembly (available for download here) , the estimated genome size of this new E. coli strain is about 5.2 Mb. Sequence analysis indicated this bacterium is an EHEC serotype O104 E. coli strain; however, this is a new serotype — not previously involved in any E. coli outbreaks. Comparative analysis showed that this bacterium has 93% sequence similarity with the EAEC 55989 E. coli strain, which was isolated in the Central African Republic and known to cause serious diarrhea. This new strain of E. coli, however, has also acquired specific sequences that appear to be similar to those involved in the pathogenicity of hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic-uremic syndrome. The acquisition of these genes may have occurred through horizontal gene transfer. The analysis further showed that this deadly bacterium carries several antibiotic resistance genes, including resistance to aminoglycoside, macrolides and Beta-lactam antibiotics: all of which makes antibiotic treatment extremely difficult.
> The research team will further analyze the integrity of the virulence genes, their expression profiles, drug resistance, and gene transfer mechanisms followed by validation of these genes in other strains. In addition BGI and collaborators are developing diagnostic kits to aid in curtailing this epidemic. New results will be continuously updated. (To obtain immediate updates see Twitter: @BGI_Events.) Source: BGI
> The sequences of this new E. coli strain have been uploaded to NCBI (SRA No: SRA037315.1) and are also available for immediate download at ftp://ftp.genomics.org.cn/pub/Ecoli_TY-2482. 
> The Amarillo Department of Health confirmed late Wednesday afternoon they are investigating seven confirmed cases of E. coli 0157:H7.
> A spokesperson for the department said that all current reported cases are with children and that no specific food has been linked to the outbreak. Pronews 7 has confirmed that four of the seven kids were hospitalized. While the investigation into the outbreak is ongoing, health officials said possible sources could include international travel, exposure to infected animals and human-to-human contact with infected individuals. Area physicians have been told about the outbreak and are working with the public health department to quickly identify any additional cases and potential risk factors.(NewsChannel10)
> CDC is following a large outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O104, or STEC O104, infections currently going on in Germany. As of May 31, 2011, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Germany's disease control and prevention agency, has confirmed six deaths and 373 patients with hemolytic uremic syndrome, or (HUS) (kidney failure), a life-threatening complication of E. coli infections.
> The strain of STEC causing illness, STEC O104:H4, is very rare. CDC is not aware of any cases of STEC O104:H4 infection ever being reported in United States. Any person with recent travel to Germany with signs or symptoms of STEC infection or HUS, should seek medical care and let the medical provider know about the outbreak of STEC infections in Germany and the importance of being tested. Symptoms of STEC infection include severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, which is often bloody, and vomiting. If there is fever, it usually is not very high. Most people get better within 5–7 days, but some patients go on to develop HUS—usually about a week after the diarrhea starts. Symptoms of HUS include decreased frequency of urination, feeling very tired, and losing pink color to skin and membranes due to anemia.
> STEC infections can be spread from person to person. The best defense is careful, thorough hand washing. Persons returning from Germany who have diarrhea should be sure to wash hands well with soap and warm water after using the bathroom, and should not prepare food for others while they are ill. People who are in contact with ill people who recently visited Germany should also follow basic hygiene practices carefully, including washing their hands thoroughly before eating or drinking and after caring for an ill person.
> A very rare strain of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, or STEC has been reported from some patients in the outbreak. This strain, E. coli O104:H4 has never been seen in the United States, and CDC is only aware of few reports of this strain from other countries. Although it is rare, the United States' public health surveillance systems are designed to be able to identify this, and other rare STEC strains, in ill people. However, the ability to detect STEC infections through surveillance depends on proper diagnostic testing of patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of STEC. In 2009, CDC published recommendations for the diagnosis of STEC infections by clinical laboratories. The illness that it causes is similar to that caused by E. coli O157:H7 which is also a Shiga toxin-producing E. coli and the one most commonly identified in the United States. (FoodPoisoningJournal)
> Direct link: http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2011/06/02/bgi-sequences-genome-of-the-deadly-e-coli-in-germany-and-reveals-new-super-toxic-strain/
> José Andrés Antinori Vera 
> Advisory/Consiglier
> Philip Von Leonar - San Borja - Lima
> Los Portales de San Isidro - Trjillo
> Telef: 995075313 Next: 412*8814
> Web:../ - E-mail: alantinori en hotmail.com
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