[OANNES Foro] Patricia Majluf denunciara CORRUPCION en Peru en Hong Kong

Luis Icochea luisicochea en yahoo.com
Jue Ago 30 08:33:36 PDT 2012

Estimados amigos de la lista: Creo que habra que pasar la voz a nuestros representantes del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores para que participen en el evento a realizarse en Hong Kong donde nuestra ex viceministra de pesqueria Patricia Majluf hablara sobre su experiencia y TODA LA CORRUPCION encontrada segun ella. Ojala que hable tambien de la ineptitud de ella para manejar el viceministerio donde sobresalio la crisis de la merluza y tambien nos relate como ella llego a la vicepresidencia de Imarpe y a Viceministra (Seria bueno una entrevista al expremier Salomon Lerner para que nos cuente su version como lo hizo a los empresarios merluceros). No seria raro que hasta le hayan financiado su viaje los inocentes HongKonenses.
Lean lo publicado por SeafoodSource el dia de hoy 30 de agosto. 
Luis Icochea
 By SeafoodSource staff 
30 August, 2012 - The challenge of developing sustainable fisheries in corrupt government models will be one of the topics covered at the International Seafood Summit in Hong Kong, 6 to 8 September. 
At the “Evolving Policies for New Horizons – Keynote Plenary Panel” on 7 September, Dr. Patricia Majluf will talk about her recent experience as vice minister of fisheries for the Ministry of Production in Peru. The South American nation is home to the world’s second largest fishery infamous for overfishing of anchoveta and other fish that is diverted into the fishmeal market. The Center for Public Integrity found that at least 630,000 metric tons of anchoveta have been unaccounted for in Peru over the last two years.
Majluf, who is now director of the Center of Environmental Sustainability at Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, found out first-hand about the difficulties of dealing with Peruvian fisheries and government when she began her term as vice minister of fisheries around three months ago. “I am a known fisheries conservationist, so I had guys with pickets protesting me a month before I took charge. The moment I stepped foot in the office, groups were coming into the Ministry every day, complaining about different issues,” Majluf said.
Most of the complaints were from fishermen and groups who wanted legal reforms that were “judicially undoable”, Majluf said. Because of political corruption in the Ministry of Production, the changes that Majluf had hoped to make to the Peruvian fishing system were not established, she said. “The estimate is that about 70 percent a year over what is reported is caught. About 1 million [metric] tons a year are going into illegal fishmeal,” Majluf said.
However, Majluf is optimistic that new rules put into place by the new vice minister of fisheries, Gladys Triveño, will lead to changes in the Peruvian system. Under new regulations, smaller fishing boats, in part responsible for illegal fishing, are grouped in with the country’s entire fishing fleet, which requires them to be a part of the quota system. “Currently, there are around 16,000 total artisanal fishing boats and over 1,000 registered in the fishing quota system,” Majluf said.
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