[OANNES Foro] Invitation to ASI 16 and ECODIM in University of Concepción, Chile

Silvio Pantoja spantoja en udec.cl
Vie Ago 14 14:13:27 PDT 2015

August 14, 2015
Dear colleague,
We would like to invite graduate and advanced undergraduate students and researchers to participate in the Austral Summer Institute 16 (ASI 16), to be held in January 2016 at University of Concepción, Chile.  The Austral Summer Institute is under the umbrella of the UNESCO IOC Chair in Oceanography based at University of Concepción (UdeC) and sponsored by the Department of Oceanography, the COPAS Sur-Austral Program (www.sur-austral.udec.cl), the International Associated Laboratory -Marine Biogeochemistry and Functional Ecology (LIA MORFUN, www.liamorfun.cl), and the Millennium Institute of Oceanography (IMO, www.imo-chile.cl).
The University Campus of Concepción will host four courses on Biogeochemical cycles in continental margins during the Anthropocene:
1) Sources and transport of nutrients to the coastal zone and their effect on aquatic ecosystems, January 4-8.  Robert Howarth, Cornell University, US
2) Eutrophication and microbial processes in the coastal ocean, January 11-15. 
Hans W. Paerl, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US
3) Geochemistry of contaminants, January 18 -22. Laurence Mejanelle, Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls, France
4) Impact of coastal hypoxia and anoxia on marine sediments, January 25-29.  Jack Middelburg, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
The Marine Biology Station of the Department of Oceanography in Dichato of University of Concepcion will host the International Graduate course Ecology and Diversity of Marine Microorganisms IX (ECODIM) during January 2016.  The focus of this course will be interactions between microorganisms and marine environment and how they shape marine biogeochemical processes. The purpose is to provide an overview of the many facets of the exciting field of microbial ecology and diversity, as it relates to the role of marine microbes in the geochemical cycling of elements. The course aims on bringing together various aspects of environmental, molecular and microbiological, as well as chemical and physical methodologies needed to approach questions of biogeochemical interest.
Over the years we have witnessed the impact of ASI and ECODIM on graduate education, and firmly believe that your presence will be a wonderful learning experience.  We look forward to welcome you in sunny Concepción and Dichato next January, and we hope you can pass this information to potentially interested applicants.
For more information please visit our web sites (www.sur-austral.cl/asi and http://ecodim.imo-chile.cl)
Sincerely yours
Dr. Silvio Pantoja (also at COPAS Sur-Austral)
Dr. Camila Fernández (also at CNRS-LOMIC, Banyuls-sur-Mer, France)
Dr. Marcelo Gutiérrez (also at COPAS Sur-Austral)
Dr. Osvaldo Ulloa (also at Millennium Institute of Oceanography)
Department of Oceanography
University of Concepción
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