[OANNES Foro] Libro "Biology and Ecology of Sardines and Anchovies"

Mario Cabrejos casal en infotex.com.pe
Mar Oct 6 07:24:03 PDT 2015



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Biology and Ecology of Sardines and Anchovies

Konstantinos Ganias

March 14, 2014 by CRC Press 
Reference - 394 Pages - 9 Color & 53 B/W Illustrations 
ISBN 9781482228540 - CAT# K22590

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Apart from being commercially and socially significant, anchovies and
sardines populations occupy crucial positions in the oceans’ ecosystems. Low
in the food chain, clupeoids tend towards abundance, as if their purpose in
life was to be eaten and fuel the upper levels of marine trophic chains. The
present book covers a broad spectrum of topics on the biology (sytematics,
phylogeography, reproduction, feeding) and ecology (habitat
characterization, recruitment variability) of anchovies and sardines. It
also puts together important information on the state of their fisheries,
exploitation, and management.

Table of Contents

Systematics and Phylogeography
Progress in Clupeiform Systematics, Sébastien Lavoué, Peter Konstantinidis,
and Wei-Jen Chen
Phylogeography and Population Genetics, Panagiotis Kasapidis 
Life History and Ecology
Reproductive Potential, Kostas Ganias, Stylianos Somarakis and Cristina
Feeding Biology and Ecology, Susana Garrido and Carl David van der Lingen
Habitat Characterization and Migrations, Marianna Giannoulaki, Eudoxia
Schismenou, Maria-Myrto Pyrounaki and Konstantinos Tsagarakis 
Recruitment Variability, Isidora Katara
Exploitation and Management
Role of Anchovies and Sardines as Reduction Fisheries in the World Fish Meal
Production: Overview of the Interaction between the Resource and
Environmental and Socioeconomic Drivers, Gorka Merino, Manuel Barange, and
Christian Mullon
Stock Assessment through Egg Production Methods in the U.S.,Nancy C. H. Lo
and Benjamin E. Fissel
Socioeconomics and Management, Cristina Pita, Alexandra Silva, Raul
Prellezo, Marga Andrés and Andrés Uriarte


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