[OANNES Foro] RV: Survey for Development of International Marine Science & Technology Educational Program [Republic of Korea]

Raul Castillo Rojas rcastillo en imarpe.gob.pe
Jue Jun 30 07:50:08 PDT 2016

Estimado Francisco
El Centro Internacional para la Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Educación del Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Corea (KIOST) está llevando a cabo una breve encuesta en línea (duración 6-8 minutos) para recoger comentarios que apoyaran la formulacion del Programa Educativo Internacional de Ciencias y Tecnología Marinas" de la República de Corea, en el contexto de la Ayuda Oficial al Desarrollo de Corea (AOD), que comenzara en el 2018.

KOPE LAR estará muy agradecidos que usted comparta entre los miembros la comunidad científica marina de OANNES para completar este cuestionario.

Para participar, por favor hacer clic en el enlace de abajo para acceder a la encuesta:

Encuesta online (link) : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dXEcJjy40GVLC2Jd0vubIaAVkagYT9dDVGaXBBb0c6w/viewform

          (please click)

Periodo de la encuesta: June 22th - July 13th, 2016

Los Codirectores de Peru y Corea de KOPE LAR agradecemos su cooperación.

       Biólogo Raúl CASTILLO Rojas M Sc.
                        Co- Director Perú
   Laboratorio de Investigación Perú-Corea en
Ciencia y Tecnología Marina para América Latina
          Biologist Raul CASTILLO Rojas M Sc.
                       Co- Director Perú
         Korea-Peru Research Laboratory on
  Ocean Science & Technology for Latin America
De: Chang-Woong Shin [cwshin en kiost.ac.kr]
Enviado: jueves, 30 de junio de 2016 07:15 a.m.
Para: Raul Castillo Rojas
CC: Kopelar - Korea; 이정현_kopelar
Asunto: Survey for Development of International Marine Science & Technology Educational Program [Republic of Korea]

--- Original Message ---
From : "공은진"<cejkong en kiost.ac.kr>
To : "Chang-Woong Shin"<cwshin en kiost.ac.kr>
Date : 2016/06/29 수요일 오후 1:35:35
Subject : Survey for Development of International Marine Science & Technology Educational Program [Republic of Korea]


Jeju International Marine Science Center for Research & Education of KIOST is conducting a short 6-8 minute online survey to collect the comments from potential participants in the developing countries for "International Marine Science and Technology Educational Program” of Republic of Korea.  Our ultimate goal is to make a comprehensive and sustainable international educational program under Korea's Official Development Assistance (ODA), and launch a pilot program by beginning of 2018.

We would be very grateful if you can spend some time to complete this questionnaire and help us to spread t his information to your friends and colleagues in the marine science community. The target of this survey includes students, researchers, technicians, professors, NGOs, governmental officials, etc. in the developing countries who are in the field of marine science and technology. Your responses is essential as it will help us to determine the direction for future International Marine Science & Technology Educational Program of Republic of Korea.

To participate, please click on the link below to access the survey:

  *   Online survey (link) : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dXEcJjy40GVLC2Jd0vubIaAVkagYT9dDVGaXBBb0c6w/viewform


          (please click)

  *   The survey period: June 22th - July 13th, 2016

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Christina Kong

[Researcher | Jeju International Marine Science Center for Research &Education | KIOST ]

Contact info.:cejkong en kiost.ac.kr<mailto:cejkong en kiost.ac.kr>

Websie: http://eng.kiost.ac/kordi_eng/main.jsp?sub_num=360&state=view&idx=1622<http://eng.kiost.ac/kordi_eng/main.jsp?sub_num=360&st

Chang-Woong Shin, PhD

Co-Director - Korea

Korea-Peru Research Lab on Marine S&T for Latin America

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