[OANNES Foro] Frescura en el pescado es calidad

Manuel Placido mplacido en itp.gob.pe
Dom Sep 4 03:49:05 PDT 2016

Fish prices are variable and depend on the abundance of these in the form of shoals. For example when the horse mackerel scatters, landing decreases and prices rise and the market reach 5 to 8 expensive Nuevos Soles, but when they are in shoal fish landing increases and prices fall. It is important that the sea should not be spoiled (10 Exclusive miles for artisanal fishing for direct human consumption), but to be protected the environment (served water treatment as Taboada in Callao for example) and we use cooling systems (as Hayduck, Centinela , Perupez etc.) from catch to the consumer's table (Here should intervene the State: ministry, region and municipality). 


Manuel Antonio Plácido Cárdenas 

Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción - ITP. 
Carretera a Ventanilla 5.2 – Ventanilla – Callao. 

Telf: (511) 577 011 8 Anexo 1130 

Cel: (51) 998290857 


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