[OANNES Foro] Guiding principles for assessing the impact of underwater noise
Mario Cabrejos
casal en infotex.com.pe
Jue Mayo 3 10:31:13 PDT 2018
Journal of Applied Ecology
Accepted manuscript online: 17 APR 2018
Guiding principles for assessing the impact of underwater noise
ored=Faulkner%2C+Rebecca+C> Rebecca C. Faulkner
ored=Farcas%2C+Adrian> Adrian Farcas
ored=Merchant%2C+Nathan+D> Nathan D. Merchant
Underwater noise pollution poses a global threat to marine life and is a
growing concern for policy makers and environmental managers. Evidence is
mounting of noise‐induced habitat loss, heightened physiological stress,
masking of biologically important sound (e.g. for communication,
predator/prey detection), auditory injury, and in extreme cases, direct or
indirect mortality (Southall et al. 2007; Popper et al. 2014). Initial
studies focused on charismatic megafauna (particularly marine mammals), but
in recent years effects have been discovered in other taxa and at lower
trophic levels, including various fish species (Popper et al. 2014),
functionally important marine crustaceans (Solan et al. 2016), and
zooplankton (McCauleyet al. 2017).
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