[OANNES Foro] A simple spatially explicit neutral model explains the range size distribution of reef fishes
Mario Cabrejos
casal en infotex.com.pe
Sab Mar 2 11:02:25 PST 2019
Global Ecology and Biogeography
First published: 21 February 2019
<https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12899> https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12899
A simple spatially explicit neutral model explains the range size
distribution of reef fishes
2C+Adriana> Adriana Alzate
2C+Thijs> Thijs Janzen
C+Dries> Dries Bonte
ll%2C+James> James Rosindell
%2C+Rampal+S> Rampal S. Etienne
The great variation in range sizes among species has fascinated ecologists
for decades. Reef‐associated fish species live in highly spatially
structured habitats and adopt a wide range of dispersal strategies. We
consequently expect species with greater dispersal ability to occupy larger
ranges. However, empirical evidence for such a positive relationship between
dispersal and range size remains scarce. Here, we unveil the role of
dispersal on the range size distribution of reef‐associated fishes using
empirical data and a novel spatially explicit model.
Tropical Eastern Pacific.
Major taxa studied
Reef‐associated fishes.
Time period
Underlying records are from the 20th and 21st centuries.
We estimated range size distributions for all reef‐associated fishes
separated into six guilds, each with different dispersal abilities. We used
a one‐dimensional spatially explicit neutral model, which simulates the
distribution of species along a linear and contiguous coastline, to explore
the effect of dispersal, speciation and sampling on the distribution of
range sizes. Our model incorporates biologically important long‐distance
dispersal events with a fat‐tailed dispersal kernel and also adopts a more
realistic gradual “protracted” speciation process than originally used in
neutral theory. We fitted the model to the empirical data using an
approximate Bayesian computation approach, with a sequential Monte Carlo
Stochastic birth, death, speciation and dispersal events alone can
accurately explain empirical range size distributions for six different
guilds of tropical, reef‐associated fishes. Variation in range size
distributions among guilds are explained purely by differences in dispersal
ability with the best dispersers being distributed over larger ranges.
Main conclusions
Neutral processes and guild‐specific dispersal ability provide a general
explanation for both within‐ and across‐guild range size variation. Our
results support the theoretically expected, but empirically much debated,
hypothesis that high dispersal capacity promotes the establishment of large
range size.
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