[OANNES Foro] Tropical climate responses to projected Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice loss

Mario Cabrejos casal en infotex.com.pe
Lun Abr 6 08:22:58 PDT 2020

 <https://www.nature.com/ngeo> Nature Geoscience 

 <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-020-0546-9#article-info> Published:
16 March 2020

Tropical climate responses to projected Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice loss

 <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-020-0546-9#auth-1> Mark R. England,
<https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-020-0546-9#auth-2> Lorenzo M.
Polvani,  <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-020-0546-9#auth-3> Lantao
Sun &  <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-020-0546-9#auth-4> Clara


Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice extent are both projected to dramatically
decline over the coming century. The effects of Arctic sea-ice loss are not
limited to the northern high latitudes, and reach deep into the tropics. Yet
little is known about the effects of future Antarctic sea-ice loss outside
of the southern high latitudes. Here, using a fully coupled climate model,
we investigate the tropical response to Antarctic sea-ice loss and compare
it with the response to Arctic sea-ice loss. We show that Antarctic sea-ice
loss, similar to Arctic sea-ice loss, causes enhanced warming in the eastern
equatorial Pacific and an equatorward intensification of the Intertropical
Convergence Zone. We demonstrate that Antarctic sea-ice loss causes a mini
global warming signal comparable to the one caused by Arctic sea-ice loss,
and reminiscent of the response to greenhouse gases. We also show that ocean
dynamics are key to capturing the tropical response to sea-ice loss. In
short, we find that future Antarctic sea-ice loss will exert a profound
influence on the tropics. Combined Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice losses will
account for 20-30% of the projected tropical warming and precipitation
changes under the high-emissions scenario Representative Concentration
Pathway 8.5.


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