[OANNES Foro] Detectan DNA transgenico en tejidos y organos de tilapias alimentadas con soya transgenica

vvera vvera en ec-red.com
Vie Ago 21 06:59:06 PDT 2009

Para el conocimiento de la lista.
Envio link y el abstract de un articulo interesante que aparecio 
recientemente en la revista AQUACULTURE RESEARCH (Volume 40 Issue 12, Pages 
1350 - 1357). Cuento con el articulo completo para quien lo desee. 


Detection of transgenic DNA in tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus, GIFT strain) 
fed genetically modified soybeans (Roundup Ready)
Tao Ran, Liu Mei , Wang Lei, Liu Aihua, He Ru & Sun Jie
We used nested-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect Roundup Ready 
soybean in aquatic feeds and feeding tilapias. A template concentration of 
10−10 g μL−1 DNA solution could be detected with a dilute 
degree of 0.01%. Most (90.6%) of the aquatic feeds containing soybean 
byproduct included exogenous DNA segments. We also compared genetically 
modified (GM) soybean with non-GM soybean diets in feeding tilapias 
(Oreochromis niloticus, GIFT strain) and examined the residual fragments 
(254 bp) of GM soybeans. Tilapias receiving GM soybean diets had DNA 
fragments in different tissues and organs, indicating that exogenous GM 
genes were absorbed systemically and not completely degraded by the 
tilapia's alimentary canal. 

Victor Vera
EC Red Internet gr en tis
Inscríbete en www.ec-red.com

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