[OANNES Foro] Extended dates to apply for course: Ecology & Conservation of Marine Mammals of the Humboldt Upwelling Ecosystem

Susana Cardenas susanacardenasalayza en gmail.com
Jue Abr 5 11:08:12 PDT 2012

We have extended application deadlines for the course: *Ecology &
Conservation of Marine Mammals of the Humboldt Upwelling Ecosystem* which
will take place in Peru from June 30th to July 9th of this year.

New  dates are:

 *Early Bird Registration: up to April 15th *($ 1,800)
Standard Registration: up  to May 15th  ($1,900)
Late Registration: up to June 15st ($ 2,000)

Apply now and pay the early registration fee!

This is a wonderful and exciting opportunity to learn about marine mammals
in the field and travel to and inside Peru.
For more information, please read below.

*** Si eres estudiante de universidad peruana, por favor comunícate con
scardenas en csa-upch.org, ya que estamos ofreciendo nuevas facilidades de
pago por el curso.


The School of Graduate Studies (EPG- Escuela de Posgrado), the Center for
Environmental Sustainability (CSA - Centro para la Sostenibilidad
Ambiental) and Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia´s (UPCH) Life Sciences
Field School are pleased to announce the course:

*Ecology & Conservation of Marine Mammals of the Humboldt Upwelling
 Dates:             June 30th  – July 9th 2012
 Location:         Punta San Juan, Peru

This is a residential field-based course in Peru on the biology, anatomy,
physiology, ecology, evolution, behavior, population biology, management
and conservation of marine mammals, explaining why this group is so
important, controversial and interesting.

 Students will be provided with comprehensive knowledge on marine mammal
ecology with special emphasis on species inhabiting the Humboldt Current
Upwelling Ecosystem off the coast of Peru a developing country with the
largest single species fishery in the world.

 This is a university-accredited course and is intended for students in the
summer vacation of 2012 and for enthusiastic individuals with keen interest
in the marine environment. This course is suitable for MSc., undergraduate
students in the last 3 years of study and individuals who want to learn
from experts about sea lions, fur seals, dolphins, whales, marine otters of
the south Pacific Ocean.

 For more information, please visit:


 * Students from any country are encouraged to attend, but please note that
the course will be taught in English.

[image: Inline image 1]

Susana Cardenas Alayza, Blga.
Proyecto Punta San Juan
Centro para la Sostenibilidad Ambiental
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

MSc. candidate
Marine Mammal Research Unit
University of British Columbia
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