[OANNES Foro] consulta sobre Clupeotoxina?

Diana Guzman dguzman en diamante.com.pe
Mar Ago 16 11:04:52 PDT 2011

Estimados señores:

Tengo un cliente de conservas de pescado quien  consulta si hay registros 
o información referente a la presencia de "Clupeotoxin" en nuestra 
anchoveta. Saben donde puedo encontrar información al respecto? Me envió 
esto que encontró en internet y está preocupado por el comentario de que 
el calor no llega a eliminar la toxina..

Anchovy poisoning (clupeotoxin): Introduction
Anchovy poisoning (clupeotoxin): Some anchovies contain toxins 
(Clupeotoxin) which can be poisonous to humans if eaten. Heat does not 
destroy the toxin and there is still uncertainty as to the origin of the 
toxin. The toxin appears to be present in higher concentrations in summer 
and is believed to be possible linked to the consumption of toxic food in 
its food web. The size and age of the anchovy does not appear to be 
related to the toxicity. The anchovies are found in coastal waters off 
Africa and the Caribbean, Indian and Pacific Oceans. More detailed 
information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Anchovy 
poisoning (clupeotoxin) is available below. 


Diana Guzmán
Pesquera Diamante S.A.
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